◯ 心太(トコロテン) 呻きのように 押し出され
◯ 真理とは 蚊帳(かや)の外にぞ ありにけり
◯ かつぶしや ほかほかご飯に ほむら立つ
◯ Wi-Fiと デバイスだらけ 蝉しぐれ
◯ 扇風機 羽根振り乱し 号泣す
"Haiku of the Month"
It's been two months since I joined the Utaya-kai, and I tried to write haiku again.
I have lived a life unrelated to haiku, but at the age of 41 I started as a haiku poet.
When I was doing artistic activities, I was enthusiastically invited by the poet Rindou Ogawa, who appreciated my essay, and joined the Yokohama branch of the Utaya-kai.
Originally I liked Japanese, so I entered the world of haiku writing smoothly.
I wrote a lot of phrases, but here I would like to show you five self-selected phrases.
◯ Tokoroten is extruded like a moan
◯ Truth is outside the mosquito net.
◯ Katsuobushi sways like flames on hot rice
◯ Wi-Fi and my device full of squirrels
◯ The electric fan is crying with the blades disturbed.